We are gathered around one passion and geared towards one common ambition.
One Passion
We recognize ourselves in the description that famed bond investor and founder of PIMCO, Bill Gross, made of bond investors, saying they should be one third economist, one third mathematician and one third horse trader.
One Ambition
Our goal is to get our clients financially well informed in “all weather conditions”.
To guide us, we are driven by a business philosophy that reflects our core set of values; integrity and competence.
We produce market research encapsulating much of what we have learned, over the past 30 years, reading financial markets tea leaves.
Working in financial markets requires to adapt to a complex system in constant mutation. The risks of today are not those from yesterday, neither those of tomorrow but having lived through many financial crises, we are well prepared to apply Mark Twains’ maxim that “history does not repeat itself but rhythms”.
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